AEAULP - The Academia de Escolas de Arquitectura e Urbanismo de Língua Portuguesa, created on April 13, 2010 in Lisbon, is a non-profit educational association focused on research and dissemination of Architecture and Urbanism.

The Academy is based on the essence of the portuguese language, which unites the various member schools with the same goal of sharing the teaching, dissemination of research and practice of Architecture and Urbanism.

Finally, the open and plural sense that is sought is the foundation of this Academy and aims to reflect, debate, research and act in the fields of education, research and architectural and urban production. Thus, by publishing books, publications and organizing events between the various member schools, the aim is to create and disseminate the knowledge acquired in these areas.


- The Portuguese language leads to a closer approach to the way we perceive, experience, think and explore the realities in which we are inserted;

- The spoken Portuguese language becomes a powerful tool for understanding the social space, revealing the meanings of regional and local expressions, constantly enriching heritage;

- The Portuguese language seen in a more literary way promotes an encounter between sensibilities, revealing the less obvious meanings of the spaces and communities that make up our context;

- Linguistic heritage challenges us to explore the paths of Architecture and Urbanism, provoking reflection on the intersection between language and the built environment.



- The Portuguese language, as a common link, allied to the teaching, research and practice of Architecture and Urbanism, with all its complexity and diversity, constitutes the essential conditions for creating the atmosphere we want;

- From creation, thought, experimentation and execution, we intend to express the steps to be taken in understanding the principles transmitted by our heritage legacy;

- In a context of constant change, where values are breaking down and the effects are not yet fully understood, we aspire to open up a creative and affirmative space that can welcome future generations, facing the concerns inherent in the activities that involve us.



- AEAULP President: Prof. Caio Silva (FAU UnB)
- Chairman of the General Meeting: Prof. Caio Silva (FAU UnB)
- Vice-President: Prof. Hugo Farias (FA-ULisboa)
- Secretary: Prof. Ana Paula Gurgel (FAU-UnB)
- Director: Prof. Pedro Rodrigues (FA ULisboa)
- General secretary: Prof.ª Ljiljana Čavić (FA ULisboa)
- Vowels: Prof.ª Gleice Elali (UFRN) e Prof. Álvaro Puntoni (Escola da Cidade de SP)
- Treasurer: Prof.ª Helena Botelho (ULusíada Lisboa)
- President: Prof.ª Angélica Alvim (UPMackenzie SP)
- Institutional partners: Prof.ª Angélica Alvim (UPMackenzie SP); Prof. Marcos Cereto (UFAM); Prof.ª Conceição Trigueiros (FA ULisboa)
- Ordinary members: Prof. Luís Lage (Faculdade e Arquitetura e Planeamento Físico da UMondlane) e Prof. Túlio Tiburci (UFV)
- Honorary members: Alexandre Costa; Álvaro Siza; Carlos Comas; Francisco Nabo; José Horta; Conceição Trigueiros
- President: Prof. Paulo Cruz (UMinho)
- Vowels: Prof. Paulo Pinto (ISCTE) e Prof. Jorge Figueira (U Coimbra)